create ad group based on sccm collection


create ad group based on sccm collection

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And Select one of the AAD groups which you created for . Create User collections based on AD department attribute with Powershell. Select Active Directory OU. Create an SCCM Advertisement to link the Package . Query based collections allow an administrator . Switch to the Discovery tab and enable Azure Active Directory Group Discovery. Select membership Rules and under Add Rule select Query Rule: Give the rule a name and Click Edit Query Statement: Click on Criteria: Add a new Criteria: The Criterion Type should be Simple Value and . Create User Collection. Collection must be enabled. A. Create Programs within the Package to install the application. Nested AD Security Groups and ConfigMgr. SCCM Clients Collections Clients not approved select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name, SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_CM_RES_COLL_SMS00001 on SMS_CM_RES_COLL_SMS00001.ResourceId = SMS_R . Now to jump back into ConfigMgr and set the Azure Active Directory Group Discovery again. select SMS_R_USER.ResourceID,SMS_R_USER.ResourceType,SMS_R_USER.Name,SMS_R_USER.UniqueUserName,SMS_R_USER.WindowsNTDomain from SMS_R_User WHERE ResourceID IN (SELECT . Loops through the array to create Azure AD groups with the same name as the Configuration Manager collections; The last step is to manually go to the properties of the collections in Configuration Manager and assign the Azure AD Group you want it to synchronize with. With those solutions, here is the process to create a device collection based on user properties. select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System . Hi guys I need to create a collection on a OU .. FROM SMS_R_System. To create an SCCM group follow this post. Prompt the Administrator for a folder name. But among the discovery methods, you have Active Directory Security Group Discovery which will work just fine for your purposes. This is a quick and dirty PowerShell script to import from CSV using the name of the machine to find the resource ID. Then go ahead and save this query and from within your SCCM console, update the collection and you should now see all the users within the security group, in your new collection. - 7:34 AM SCCM Device Collections. For instance, having an IT employees AD group which will be based on a collection (user.department == IT query) Each location had an Organizational Unit (OU) in Active Directory (AD) and within that OU was… even more OUs! Creating Device Collections Based on Primary Users (and vice versa) SCCM 2012 buid computer collection based on user group membership / primary user. I would like to write a query for a user collection in SCCM. If AD group is enabled, this will also create a query rule linking the two. On the Query rule properties box, specify the name of the query and click . 9. select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name, SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_Systemwhere SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion like "Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 6.1%". This video goes over step by step on how to create SCCM collection groups based off of Active Directory OUs.Blog Post: On the Membership Rules window, click Add Rul e and select Query Rule. 1. When a device is AAD joined and co-managed ( not on-prem domain joined but only the cloud), we will have the tenantID, device ID, domain or group, and other information. AD Secuirty Groups and SCCM Collections. In this article I'm going to show you how to add multiple computers to SCCM collection using Powershell as well as make an effort to try to keep everything in the command line. In the "Query Rule Properties", enter a name for this query, "All computers with iTunes" and then click on "Edit Query Statement..". Enabling delta discovery for Active Directory groups. In this video, we demonstrate a script that allows an SCCM administrator to create a "Device Collection" using a list of users from a text file as input. The criteria that you chose is displayed. "DomainADSecurityGroup" - this should be changed to the name of your own domain and after the then change this for the object name of your security group. Now you can target these sub collections with software to install, so in this case you would target the collections above with an advertisement to install Microsoft Office 2003.. once done, you can start adding computer or user objects to the respective Active Directory Group in active directory, and based on your Discovery Methods schedule they will appear within the correct Collection Enter the Name Of the Collection - HTMD IT Dept Devices. In this blog post, i will show you how to create a collection for Azure AD joined co-managed devices. Show activity on this post. [softwareName] - to Install. and populates the Azure AD group based on devices returned from the query; Azure AD group - this is the device collection that can be used as a target in Intune. To do this click Administration>Discovery Methods>Active Directory Group Discovery. This is an SCCM device collection query to pull in computers of a specific model. select SMS_R_USER.ResourceID,SMS_R_USER.ResourceType,SMS_R_USER.Name,SMS_R_USER.UniqueUserName,SMS_R_USER.WindowsNTDomain from SMS_R_User where UserGroupName = "contoso\\ADSecutirtGroupName". Lets get started: In SCCM select the Assets and Compliance tab in the bottom left. Click Next. The script will create 1 collection per OU from the start OU and will create 1 collection for all OU under the start OU. SCCM to uninstall an application when you remove the computer from the Application security group. Click OK to continue.. Create SCCM Collection based on Active Directory OU. This returns the members of the specified AD group . This will create a new collection with a query that will contain members based on the compliance state of the baseline. Make sure you have an Azure Active Directory Group set to . Now our scenario looks like this: Activate Active Directory Group Discovery. I recently wrote a blog post at on how to user PowerShell to create add a query rule to a collection for machines in an active directory security group. SCCM Device Collection - Computer Model. Once you are in that Azure Group Sync tab, you would be able to see your tenant detail and there is a search box over there. ConfigMgr only does Azure AD User discovery, so you won't be able to discover or use AAD Groups inside ConfigMgr natively. Create a query to select devices based on user properties using SMS_G_system_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_USAGE.TopConsoleUser to join them. If you used a query rule, after a user is added to the AD group, you have to wait for SCCM to poll AD and pick up the change to the group and then after that for the collection to update before the change is seen in the Application Catalog. the script is creating the users groups based on the departments BUT it is not moving the users to the groups. Anytime you're working with multiple objects its always a good idea to try and streamline the process. Create User Collection in SCCM. Right click and choose Properties. Create SCCM Windows 10 21H1 Device Collection. The script will create the folder in SCCM. About : Easy-SCCM-TO-OU : Is a free tool for Microsoft users, developped by DAKHAMA MEHDI. Best regards, Simon If the response is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it. Client boundary group ' s effective for sccm device collection based on ad group not updating is to create two collections with many members this. This example is for creating a collection of systems with Flash installed. Roger Zander wrote a brilliant article on Collections in Configuration Manager and some knowledge that aids in designing collection structure to reduce the workload of the ConfigMgr hierarchy.. One thing that I remember evaluating a few years back was to leverage direct memberships to a Active Directory Security Groups to reduce the total evaluation time for collections. Once back in the "Query Rule Properties" window, click on OK to close and go back to the "Create Device Collection . Active Directory & GPO. SCCM Query Collection List. When creating a collection in ConfigMgr its really common that we use an Active Directory group to represent membership to that collection. In the Values window, select the Active Directory OU. [softwareName] - to Uninstall. Fill out the information that suits you. If you look at the Domain Admins Properties, you see that this AD security group belongs to 15 additional AD security groups. PowerShell add Computers to Collection from CSV - SCCM ConfigMgr. Select on Maintenance Window and choose New Custom Schedule. Then, in Limiting Collection, choose to Browse to select a limiting collection. Creating the New Collection. Create an Active Directory group for the package. The script will create 1 collection per OU from the start OU and will create 1 collection for all OU under the start OU. Create an AD Software distribution group (as is the practice w/GP deployments) Create an SCCM Collection that queries the AD group (above) for computers. I thought I'd quickly share out the query code needed to achieve this. In this scenario, I wanted to find out the. Right Click Device Collection node and select Create Device Collection. Create an SCCM Package - upload setup files and install scripts in this step. Simply put, utilize the extensive hardware inventory gathering process of ConfigMgr, create a device collection based out of that information and synchronize the memberships directly to an Azure AD group in the cloud. You just have to turn it on and set it to scan the AD containers that have your groups in them. You will now see the Create Device Collection Wizard in this initial window give your new collection a name and select a limiting collection. This computergroup will serve as a feeder for SCCM.The method goes as follows: You create a computergroup in AD e.g: CG_Marketing, CG_ICT,CG_Financial In SCCM you create a "Department Collection" with the same name : CG_Marketing, CG_ICT, CG_Financial, …2.1 You add a query-membership to the AD group with the same name. Select either the User Collections or the Device Collections node. All queries tested in SCCM Current Branch 1902. Navigate to \ Assets and Compliance \Overview\ Device Collections. With one of the latest SCCM update (sorry did not notice earlier - but at least the last update 1710) you can update your device collection membership rule to use the Out of the Box (no need anymore to update the hardware inventory class (MOF). See the example below if it's unclear. One collection will be in User Collections; the other in Device Collections. we will use 2 important fields to identify if the device is AAD joined. Note: If you want to restrict which computers or users this security group can see, you can do that within the assigned security scopes and collections section. We'll start off by creating a sub folder under the device collections and call it Active Directory OU Structure. I am trying to create about one hundred user collections based on existing AD user security groups All seems well but the query criteria is not getting the Security group . While it's not so bad to use a method where you do something like importing a query rule from a saved query or copy pasting a query on a one off basis it's a little annoying if you need to attach a . Create collections for Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices for targetting Feature update policies. Leave AD alone. SCCM - Create user collections based on Active Directory department attribute with Powershell 25 September 2021 31 January 2018 by A.J. Thanks for your time. I will be using the security group: " Application - Google Chrome " as an example. See the example below if it's unclear. Create Device Collections From Active Directory OUs with PowerShell I was setting up a Config Manager environment for a client who is situated in roughly 40 locations. In SCCM 1906 they released a new pre-release feature which allows you to sync the membership of a device collection to an Azure AD Group. You COULD script a process to connect to AAD to pull the memberships and add/remove users as needed. Once the collection is created, you can go to the properties of that collection and click on AAD group tab. With that last step completed, the SCCM Report Reader AD security group has permission to see all of the computers and users within SCCM and they can access all reports via the SSRS web interface. While a lot of things in Configuration Manager and intune have been shifted towards a user perspective we also still have to manage lots of servers out there and for this AD groups are still a fantastic tool. I want to create am SCCM device collection based on all computers that have an application installed and are also not a member of a specific security group. Prompt the Administrator to select the topmost OU where they want to start creating. Armstrong We recently built a new Configuration Manager system for a client who wanted user collections for all departments and companies within their corporate group. Let's edit the query statement. I can bore you with the step-by-step back story, but now is not the time. Be sure to select the "Not collection limited" option when creating the query. Create a report with gathered data an any SSRS. Configuration Manager cmdlets must be . For example you could use one of my other scripts to export from one . Make sure that the Active Directory Groups Discovery is enabled (Administration > Overview > Hierarchy Configuration > Discovery Methods) and the Security groups are discovered. Specify the device collection name for ex. One collection will be in User Collections; the other in Device Collections. SCCM - Active Directory Security Group Query for User Collection - If you are looking at setting up a SCCM user collection based on membership of an Active. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Create group, select Import Collections. Let's specify the details of the device collection. NursesRoom101 NursesRoom102 … I'm building the report in SQL Server Report Builder 3.0. Use the Create New Collection option to select what compliance state you want.. A perfect scenario for this is when you have multiple pilot collections for Co-Management as you can now sync those collections to Azure AD Groups and use them for targeting within Intune. Each line in the CSV should contain what you are looking for. Enter the Description of the Collection . . This tool permit to ease work and save a lot of time. It will only work for machines that are already a member of the Site you are working on. I'm not going to list them all here! SCCM PowerShell Script to Create Device Collections from a CSV. Another thing I have used this for in the past is to help you deploy updates or vulnerability fixes to systems with that software. While it's not so bad to use a method where you do something like importing a query rule from a saved query or copy pasting a query on a one off basis it's a little annoying if you need to attach a . The next step is to create a group and a collection. For limiting collection, click the Browse button and select All Systems. Click OK. On the Query Rule properties window, you can now view the query. Since a User-based collection was used, the application will only be available to the users added to the AD security group on any device with the MEMCM client installed. To start, you will need a list of inputs - normally in a CSV (you could modify the first line to query SCCM directly). Let's say we want to gather a group of Windows 10 devices that need to be patched. CreateDeployment: Create a Deployment to the Collection. Navigate to " Software Center " from the Start Menu, select Applications and click " Install " to install the application. Next, click Create Device Collection. With both of these settings configured, SCCM will be able to see our Active Directory resources. With User and Device Affinity in SCCM, this seems like a great way to leverage that information to report on devices based on properties of user. Armstrong We recently built a new Configuration Manager system for a client who wanted user collections for all departments and companies within their corporate group. In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Assets and Compliance workspace. It will also be used to build the collection query. To get AD group membership for computers you can use either AD Security Group Discovery, or AD System Group Discovery. This returns the members of the specified AD group. The script will move collection in the specified folder. Click… If you want to deploy software to a particular AD user group then create a User Collection and use the following Query Statement: Remember to make sure you have Discovery set up on your AD or specific OU containing groups. You can only create rule based queries based on data that has been collected with the various discovery methods. Dynamic device groups and Intune filters make this challenging today . Create a SCCM query and let SCCM build your Device Collection based off that query. To create the membership rule, find the collection under the Assets and Compliance node of the SCCM console, right click it and select Properties. Now that you've got your custom WQL query, you can use it to define a new collection membership rule. True/false. The new collection will be limited to the target collection of the deployment and the query will look like this. Ignored if SelectAll is true. So back into Administration > Cloud Services > Azure Services and select the Azure service then go to the properties. True/false. Collect local group membership using Compliance Settings. Or you could set up a local group that you do the same thing with then discover the local group and add that group to . In the next screen, click on "Add Rule" and then click on "Query Rule". #1 Under User Collections, create a collection with a query rule, with the below query. This video goes over step by step on how to create SCCM collection groups based off of Active Directory OUs.Blog Post: Click OK. SCCM - Create user collections based on Active Directory department attribute with Powershell 25 September 2021 31 January 2018 by A.J. For the custom schedule, select Monthly and put in a base day such as the second Tuesday. This could be hours or the next depending on how things are configured in your environment. This should be in the System Center group but I'm not getting that option. To run this command you must first connect to a Configuration Manager drive. Get names of computers from this report with New-WebServiceProxy cmdlet. Generally, I would want to look at collections that take longer than 10-20 seconds to evaluate and see what improvements can be made for better performance. See the example below if it & # x27 ; t be Configuration Manager drive, SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,,. 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create ad group based on sccm collection


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