early marriage in nigeria: causes consequences and solutions


early marriage in nigeria: causes consequences and solutions

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Additionally, trend of early marriages still exist resulting high adolescent fertility rate. More often than not, a younger girl is married to an older boy or man. Apart from its micro consequences on fertility, health, and wellbeing, child marriage has far-reaching macroeconomic and sustainability consequences for Nigeria; as an outcome of child marriage, births increase, and the population explosion undermines the government's ability to effectively plan and mobilize resources for sustainable development. The research makes use of. Poverty and lack of education increase child marriage The primary reasons for such high rates of child marriage were found to be lack of access to education, economic opportunity, and health services, particularly for girls, alongside severe poverty and weak legal and enforcement mechanisms. And the evidence backs her up. early marriage: the causes and context the impact of early marriage taking action the need for research in conclusion links references innocenti digest no.7 - march 2001 early marriage: child spouses this digest focuses on early marriage - the marriage of children Abstract This paper seeks to examine the problems of teenage marriage in Northern and their effects on the education of the girl-child. For instance, Nigeria as a country located in West Africa witnesses economic hardship and it is a cause of the poverty of her citizens. Marriage is commonly defined as a union concluded by parties with their full and free consent. Previous literature on early marriage focuses on the Northern states in Nigeria but this paper will place emphasis on the country as a whole as well as narrowing down the ethnicities that select into early marriage in Nigeria. Child Marriage: Growing up Too Soon. Tipping Point is a multi-country initiative addressing child marriage by focusing on its root causes. For instance, a twenty-nine country study on the effects of child marriage on . The term in every day speech usually refers to women who have not reached legal adulthood to become pregnant. 3. Child marriage refers to any formal marriage or informal union between a child under the age of 18 and an adult or another child. The Child Rights Act, passed in 2003, raised the minimum age of marriage to 18 for girls. Early Marriage in Africa - Trends, Harmful Effects and Interventions Judith-Ann Walker Coordinator, development Research and Projects Centre 63 B Sultan Road, Nassarwa GRA, Kano State, Nigeria Email: drpc20022002@yahoo.com Abstract This article explores the pattern of early marriage in Africa. Hence, having few number of children, monogamy and improvement in the standard of living are the solutions to the resultant effects of population explosion in Nigeria. Many factors interact to place a child at risk of marriage, including poverty, the perception that marriage will provide 'protection', family honor, social norms, customary or religious laws that condone the practice, an inadequate legislative framework and the state of a country's civil registration system. Whenever problem of infidelity or unfaithfulness is noticed in marriage, either in money matters and/or in sexual affairs, whoever notices it, should set out immediately for permanent . The present study made an attempt to gain insights on determinants and psychosocial consequences of early marriage on rural women. availability of legal regime on early marriage as well as Nigeria's international human rights obligations, much more work is needed to eliminate the detrimental cultural practice of child marriage of young girls in Nigeria and proffered a solution to its menace. Enumerate the causes of early marriage 3. Child Marriage & Meeting the needs of unmarried Children." under this task order, The Child, Early, and Forced Marriage resource guide was designed and developed to assist usaid staff to effectively integrate state-of-the art approaches to child, early and forced marriage prevention and response into their activities. Marriage before the age of 18 is a fundamental violation of human rights. Forced early marriages are known to cause reproductive health risk to the girl child and they also make them feel isolated. 2 Child marriage is an extreme violation of children's rights and a serious form of child abuse.1 It robs girls of their agency, their childhood, their wellbeing and their potential. . few for both parties contracting marriage. Methods . Introduction . The vast majority of child marriages are between a girl and a man, and are rooted in gender inequality. 4. Nepal has the third-highest rate of child marriage in Asia . Due to the social, health and economic impacts of child marriage, the practice is a major obstacle to . Early marriage is used to refer both formal marriage and informal unions in which a girl lives with a partner as if married before age of 18,Early marriage also known as child marriage is defined as "any marriage carried out below the age of18 years before the girl is physically, physiologically Child marriage (or early marriage) can be defined as "both formal marriages and informal unions in which a girl lives with a partner as if married before the age of 18" [].Child marriage, despite recent declines is still widely practiced in many parts of the developing world [2, 3].In developing countries (excluding China), every third young woman continues to marry as a child []. Figure 4.1: Magnitude of early marriages in the study area 46 Figure 4.2: Factors causing early marriages in Mkuranga district 47 Figure 4.3: Effects of Girls Early Marriages in Education 49 Figure 4.4: Challenges hindering efforts to prevent early marriages in Mkuranga district. Surely, there is a background behind this act. In a nutshell, studies show how important it is to eradicate early marriage. Teenage Pregnancy in Nigeria: Causes, Effect and Control ALABI O. T. Department of Social Development, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo. Early marriage Early marriage can lead to some negative effects. 2. Nigeria, particularly northern Nigeria, has some of the highest rates of early marriage in the world. This policy brief highlights five evidence-based strategies identified by ICRW to delay or prevent child marriage: 1) Empower girls with information, skills and support networks; 2) Provide economic support and incentives to girls and their families; 3) Educate and rally parents and community members; 4) Enhance girls' access to a high-quality education; and 5) Encourage supportive laws and . factors and their effects as they affect our societies. An estimated 650 million girls and women alive today married before their 18th birthday. Other terms applied to child marriage include "early marriage" and "child brides." Early marriage is vague and does not necessarily refer to children. 4. Teenage Pregnancy, a case of under-aged girl usually within ages of thirteen to nineteen years becoming pregnant, is a serious cankerworm that has eaten deep to the fabric of our societies in this contemporary period. Having many children with little or no resources to support them leads to child labour. Objectives: The aim of this study is to explore and analyze the factors contributing to teenage pregnancy (TP) and motherhood in Nepal, its consequences, current policy and program responses in order to improve the 6. It directly affected the girls' health and. According to DivorceStatistics.org, 40-50 percent of all first-time marriages will end in divorce.Although the reasons for divorce vary, some of the top reasons for divorce include poor communication, financial strain, intimacy issues, built-up resentment, deep-rooted feelings of incompatibility and not being able to forgive. are some of the major causes of the growing population in the world. Girls married early are more likely to experience violence, abuse and forced sexual relations due to unequal power relations. Also the effects have raised concerns that the planned economy may not be able to sustain present or large number of inhabitants. 4. 2. Eighty-four percent of first births to adolescent girls in Nigeria occur within marriage.29 Among married girls aged 15-19, 62 percent have already given birth.30 Almost one out of four married girls gave birth before age 15.31 OVERVIEW OF CHILD MARRIAGE CHILD MARRIAGE BRIEFING NIGERIA Child marriage is a fundamental viola- tion of human rights. Keywords: early marriage, child, customs, gender-based, human rights . However, federal law may be implemented differently at the state level, and to date, only a few of early marriage child spouses overview how common is early marriage? people would simply ignore them. The study had the general objective of identifying the causes and consequences of divorce after child marriage in three areas of the YES I DO programme, namely Sukabumi, Rembang and West Lombok Regencies. Ignorance in the sense that some parents have the opinion that their daughters are safer when they are married off early so as to prevent sexual attacks and violence 28. Moreover, what is early for one person may be late for another. This study focused on the prevalence of this act among the teenagers . One of the significant causes of early girl-child marriage is ignorance on the part of the parents. Early Marriages: Marrying at an early age is a major contributing factor to overpopulation. The issue of forced marriage of children is one of those issues. Child marriages usually lead to an early pregnancy which results in many health complications. Read More. When people get married‚ they have to spend most of their time on taking care of their own family‚ therefore‚ all their hobbies have to be changed. Ending child marriage is good economics Ending child marriage and early child-bearing could reduce fertility and lower population growth by about one tenth in high prevalence countries. In many cases, child marriage is a driver of early pregnancy; in others - particularly where sex outside of marriage is taboo -unintended pregnancy drives child marriage. Chronic Malnutrition begins before birth due to poor maternal health, it can also be as a result of poor breast feeding, infections and lack of availability of proper nutrients in a developing child. Specifically, this study observed the types of divorce, causes and consequences of divorce, and the post-divorce coping mechanisms. This report documents the economic and social pressures that lead to child marriage, and the devastating consequences of those marriages. Zambia has one of the highest child marriage rates in the world with 42% of women aged 20-24 years married by the age of 18. 5. 888 Words4 Pages. Forced and early marriage is a fundamental abuse of human rights. Find out the causes of early marriage in Nigeria most especially in the northern region. Examine the factors that influence early marriage among the Northern citizens of Nigeria. While early marriage is far more likely to happen to girls, it's not uncommon for boys to marry before the age of 18 in some countries. Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are as follows: 1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right to "free and full" consent to a marriage, acknowledging that consent cannot be "free and full . Unfortunately, families often do not know the negative and harmful effects of early child marriage, including pregnancy at such a young age which can lead to many complications as a girl's body will not be ready for childbirth. Analyze the effects of early marriage practice on girl's education in Nigeria. While the prevalence of child marriage has decreased worldwide - from one in four girls married a decade ago to approximately one in five today - the practice remains widespread.Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 100 million girls were expected to marry . Analyze the effects of early marriage practice on girl's education in Nigeria. Pregnancy is the leading cause of mortality in fifteen to nineteen year old girls worldwide. When a girl is forced into marriage, she is now subject to sexual and emotional abuse and her childhood will forever be violated. Chapter Two of this term paper looks at the reasons for the perpetuation of early marriage, and its possible increase in populations under stress. 3. The government commissioned the study due to concerns about high rates of adolescent pregnancy and early marriage, with about 16,000 teenage girls falling pregnant every year. 1. Effects of Child Marriage [4] Early Pregnancy-Health complications. It focuses on the sub-Saharan région as an area . It is in the light of this that this study is carried out to examine the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy in Kontagora Local Government. poverty, the need to reinforce social ties and the belief that it offers protection. Child marriage is a marriage or similar union, formal or informal, between a child under a certain age - typically age 18 - and an adult or another child. Every single day around the world, women and girls are forced to marry against their will. underlying causes of early marriage are many and include poverty, parental desire to prevent sexual relations outside marriage and the fear of rape, a lack of educational or employment opportunities for girls, and traditional notions of the primary role of women and girls as wives and mothers4.child marriage is often deployed as … Help to identify what early marriage is all about. Three research questions were used and the Chi- square analytic technique was adopted. Girls who marry young often drop out of school and face physical risks, especially during pregnancy. Whilst being a secular democratic state, Turkey still struggles, however, with some remnants of its religious and socio-cultural heritage. Thursday, September 10, 2015. Effects of early childbirth can be more devastating on a teenager, as she is more likely to face serious social issues such as poverty, poor education, poor health, remain a single parent . The analysis suggests that globally, by 2030, gains in well-being for populations from lower population growth could reach more than $500 billion annually. Early pregnancy is one of the most dangerous causes and consequences of this harmful practice. The The Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Causes, Consequences and Solutions toCauses, Consequences and Solutions to Forced Forced Forced Child Marriage Child Marriage Child Marriage in the Developing Worldin the Developing World Testimony Submitted to U.S. House of Representatives Human Rights Commissions Human Rights Commission Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and associated factors of teenage pregnancy in Wogedi, northeast Ethiopia. PROBLEMS OF TEENAGE MARRIAGE AND THEIR EFFECTS ON GIRL-CHILD EDUCATION IN NORTHERN NIGERIA By CHIBUZO O. DALMEIDA Department Of English, Federal University of Education, Kano. (2011) identified religious misinterpretation, cultural practice, poverty, early marriage, illiteracy, inadequate school infrastructure as some of the factors militating against girl-child education. Moreover, these people feel themselves to be like Romeo and Juliet, who found one love for the entire life. marriage act is highly . In 2006, Pathfinder International/Ethiopia conducted a cross-sectional community-based study of the incidence, reasons for, and the personal and social consequences of early marriage in the region of Amhara. The International Center for Research on Women reports that one third of girls in the developing world are married before the age of 18 and 1 in 9 are married before the age of 15. Many are little more than servants in their new homes and often bear children while still children themselves. Growing advances in technology, improvement in the medical sector, quality of life, immigration, etc. Infidelity In Marriages - Causes, Consequences And Solutions by microsofttutor(m): 12:36am On Dec 04, 2017 Infidelity is a rape of marriage and family sanctity. Effects. Mabel Van Oranje of Girls Not Brides insists that child marriage is the key to addressing a whole cluster of issues, from education, maternal death and infant mortality to the spread of HIV, gender inequality and poverty [6]. The child becomes stunted due to his inability to have a linear growth. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 514 teenagers in Wogedi, northeast Ethiopia . The relationships between early marriage, early pregnancy and school dropout are not linear or simple Although early marriage and pregnancy are often anecdotally linked to school dropout, evidence proving a direct and causal link is limited. There were major three forces those drive child marriages i.e. It may also be a means of raising money through dowry payments to support the rest of the family members. We will use the information for the research only and thank you for taking this survey. Child marriage, defined as marriage of a child <18 years of age, is an ancient, worldwide custom. Find out the causes of early marriage in Nigeria most especially in the northern region. Early marriage is used to refer both formal marriage and informal unions in which a girl lives with a partner as if married before age of 18,Early marriage also known as child marriage is defined as "any marriage carried out below the age of18 years before the girl is physically, physiologically 1. Child marriage: This is also a problem that may come about due to illiteracy. Child marriage is a legal marriage or informal union where one or both parties are children under the age of 18. Sex before marriage can be problematic because it fosters increased likelihood of an early, unwanted pregnancy and all the adverse effects likely to follow. 5. Though teen age pregnancy had poor maternal and perinatal health outcomes, its magnitude and determinants are not well understood. Nigeria. Catherine's experience reflects the themes that are part of a new World Bank Programmatic Study on Adolescent Girls in Zambia, to be released later this year. If consent is lacking, a forced marriage occurs. Child marriage is both a cause and consequence of adolescent pregnancy: 90% of adolescent births in the developing world are to girls who are already married or in a union. To know the general attitude of the public towards early marriage. The study aimed at asses the factors which contribute to early marriage among teenagers, it was to gather information on the extent, magnitude and consequences of early marriages in Ubungo Municipality, as a basis for raising awareness on how Causes of child marriage in Nigeria We will analyze some reasons why early child marriage in Nigeria is so common. 3. 1. 4. Child marriage is a human rights violation taking place on a vast scale in West and Central Africa which disproportionately affect girls. Top 6 causes of early marriage A kind of disobedience. This is because early marriage and pregnancy can be both the cause and consequence of dropping out of . Parents may fail to recognize the benefits of taking children to school to learn how to read and write. So, the main causes of child marriage are: Poverty in the country. Although the age of majority (legal adulthood) and marriageable age are usually designated at age 18, both vary across countries and . 2. 6. Causes of early marriage Referred to as girl child marriage, the formal or informal union of the girl-child before age 18, the practice is increasingly recognized as a key roadblock to global health, development, and gender equality. The economic hardship can be a cause of poverty in that location. 54 Figure 4.5: Other Strategies for Stopping Early Marriages 56 Examine the effects of early marriage on the future of female child in Nigeria The legal age of marriage differs by sex‚ for example‚ in some countries in Africa it is 18 for males and only 15 for females. The following recommendations were made. The term in every day speech usually refers to women who have not reached legal adulthood to become pregnant. To identify the causes of teenage pregnancy 2. Early marriage is at its most severe in Ethiopia, though prevalence varies from one region to another. A key factor is poverty, with the marriage of children often seen as a strategy for economic survival. The estimates imply that marrying young is associated with a 30.6 percentage point increase in the probability of living in poverty. (h) Community pressure Instead, the girl child may be forced into early marriage. few for both parties contracting marriage. Such parents will benefit from being educated on the very serious harmful effects of forced early childhood marriage. From the research it is concluded that one cannot generalize all underlying causes of child marriage, but one must be aware of the specific What are the Causes, Effects and Solutions of divorce? Words: 1096 - Pages: 3. Early teen marriage and dropping out of high school both have sizable effects on the probability a woman will end up in poverty. Only 2% of 15-19 year old married girls attend school, continuing the cycle of poverty. Examine the effects of early marriage on the future of female child in Nigeria We are first year students in Qatar University and we have a research on the title: "What are the Causes, Effects and Solutions of Divorce?". It is up to the youth to be influenced by modern tendencies and a desire to be like a young celebrity who has married recently. According to World Bank Data in 2012, Nigeria has a population of 168.8 Million. Older children are forced to work in order to help their parents support the family. The lack of education, poor social skills, and the emotional adversity are all effects of early marriage that lead to a poor life for an innocent child. Here we will discuss the causes, effects, and solutions of overpopulation. girls entering early marriage has not been found to stagnate everywhere, but the age of when entering marriage tends to increase. Without having the proper knowledge about the sexual activities and bodily changes which occur during puberty she cannot cope with changes in her during pregnancy. Intervention Phase 1 (2013-2017) Acute and Chronic Malnutrition. effects on the life of the adolescents. Sure, most of the young age marriages happen in the poorer areas, mainly rural ones. Child Protection. Negative Effects Of Early Marriage. Samples of 300 women who married early and have completed 5 to 15 years of married life were taken from 20 villages of district Bhilwara, Rajasthan as it has highest instances of child marriages. This study focused on the prevalence of this act among the teenagers . representative data from the DHS. There are numerous causes and effects of divorce. With each year, the population has been increasing, which has affected human life in many ways. To identify the effects of teenage pregnancy 3. Despite the fact that the effects of child marriage cause abuse, unwanted pregnancies, and lack of education, religion. In current years families have realized that young marriages are not good for children. Firstly‚ it restricts the freedom of individual. Identify government aid towards the stopping of early marriage in Nigeria. Identify the effect of early marriage on the academic performance on girl child. Early marriage, or child marriage, is defined as the marriage or union between two people in which one or both parties are younger than 18 years of age. Mukhtar et al. In Northern Nigeria, 45% of girls are married- usually against their will -by age 15, and 73% are married by age 18; some of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. Although more research than ever has focused on girl child marriage, an important gap remains in . Examine the factors that influence early marriage among the Northern citizens of Nigeria. 15 Resources. We see child marriage as an act of violence, so we enable girls to assert their rights, help families and communities to support them, and influence policy to sustain change. fear of rape and sexual violence, of unwanted pregnancies outside marriage, of family shame and dishonour, of homelessness and hunger or starvation were all reported by parents and children as legitimate reasons for child marriage in some localities.poverty, weak legislative frameworks and enforcement, harmful traditional practices, gender … Owing to the above facts, early child marriage has currently become a vital topic of discussion amongst several development . A Situation Report on Child Marriages in Zambia. Some of the root causes identified are poverty, peer pressure and media influence while the effects include: school drop-out, . In fact, child marriage has become more common in some areas. Teenage Pregnancy, a case of under-aged girl usually within ages of thirteen to nineteen years becoming pregnant, is a serious cankerworm that has eaten deep to the fabric of our societies in this contemporary period. To majority of the parents, girl-child education is less important because no matter what level of education the girl This study investigated early marriage and its implications on the Nigerian economy. They are more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (including HIV). Early Marriage. To work in order to help their parents support the family members between a girl a! Is also a problem that may come about due to illiteracy although more research than ever has focused girl! Vast majority of child marriage, child, customs, gender-based, human rights,.. The girl child an early pregnancy which results in many ways pregnancy in Wogedi, northeast.! 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early marriage in nigeria: causes consequences and solutions


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